Our Mission: Feeding and clothing the less fortunate through a business
model developed to create a culture of giving, working with youth, building up the broken and
giving the opportunity of community involvement. Delivering to the needs of communities in the
form of food, clothing, and other life-changing provisions to outreach centers. Facilitating an
uplifting, paradigm shifting, soul experience for everyone involved.
PROJECT POP DROP is an organization created by the Platinum International Products And Services team. Platinum sells office supply products, which fuel Project Pop Drop. Our team does a monthly Pop Drop the last week of every month. We bring food, clothing, medical supplies, beauty products, toys etc. We feature different missions, community programs and philanthropy driven organizations. We are thrilled and humbled that we have helped facilitate feeding over 90,000 meals per month with our program. We are proud to say that starting in 2015 we have gone national! We believe every movement starts with local leadership. We can all help make a difference and impact our communities. This is what life is all about. #GIVEANDRECEIVE, Please join us. Join the movement!
Your donation matters! We can provide you tax slips for your Pop Drop donation. Your donations will not just help feed bodies but will help fuel the spirits of the men, women and children affected by homelessness. We accept all types of donations for our monthly Pop Drops. We have delivered food, clothing, medical supplies, toiletries, toys, beauty products, electronics, flat screen TV's, computers, etc. Thank you for your consideration.
Please consider making any type of donation. Project Pop Drop appreciates your support.
One day of your help will make a big difference. Clean out your closet, clean out your pantry, round up electronics that you are not using and call us! Take the first step by emailing our volunteer contact or by calling the volunteer voicemail. The Project Pop Drop office needs help with day to day tasks, sponsorship coordinating and event outreach. We also need help with community outreach to encourage donations. Whatever form of help you can offer in the office or in the field, it will make a big difference. Thanks for you consideration Email niki@projectpopdrop.com or call 818.491.3945 for volunteer opportunities & details.